iPhone-Tricks, die jeder Apple-Nutzer kennen sollte

iPhone tricks every Apple user should know

iPhone tricks every Apple user should know Your iPhone can probably do more than you think - especially with the help of tricks that not everyone knows. Most owners of Apple products only use the s...
Batterie schonen - So lädst Du Handys richtig auf

Protect your battery - this is how you charge your cell phone properly

Conserve your battery: Why does your battery's capacity keep decreasing? Li-ion batteries are subject to constant wear and tear, and not just during fast charging. That's why you should protect the...
Notebook gebraucht kaufen - darauf sollten Sie achten
Tipps & Tricks

Buying a used notebook - this is what you should pay attention to

Buying a used notebook: What you should definitely pay attention to Buying a used notebook is a smart alternative to buying a new one. This is not surprising given the advantages: you can find seco...
Smartphone gebraucht kaufen: Worauf Sie achten sollten

Buying a used smartphone: What you should pay attention to

Are you interested in getting a new smartphone, but you're not quite sure whether it should be a new or used device? In fact, with iPhones and Co. Save a lot of money by choosing a used device. Y...