iPhones, MacBooks und iPads zu 0 Prozent finanzieren – so geht’s
Tipps & Tricks

iPhones, MacBooks und iPads zu 0 Prozent finanzieren – so geht’s

Warum sich eine 0-Prozent-Finanzierung lohnt Ein neues iPhone oder MacBook kann schnell ins Geld gehen. Aber was, wenn du dein Wunschgerät einfach in monatlichen Raten zahlen könntest – und das ohn...
Jobsuche leicht gemacht: Wie KI dich von der Stellensuche bis zum Vorstellungsgespräch unterstützt
Tipps & Tricks

Happed job search easy: How do you support you from the job search to the interview

Introduction: How AI can help you find a job Looking for a job can be pretty nerve-wracking, right? Adjusting your CV, writing cover letters, searching through positions - it often feels like an e...
Meal Prep stressfrei meistern – Mit KI-Prompts zur perfekten Planung
Tipps & Tricks

Meal Prep stressfrei meistern – Mit KI-Prompts zur perfekten Planung

Meal Prep spart Zeit, Geld und Nerven – aber die Planung dahinter kann oft mühsam sein. Was, wenn dir eine smarte Lösung diesen Aufwand abnimmt? Hier kommt künstliche Intelligenz ins Spiel! KI-Tool...
Wie du KI nutzen kannst, um deine Reise von A bis Z effizient zu planen
Tipps & Tricks

How you can use AI to efficiently plan your trip from A to Z

Planning trips can be a challenge: Which destination is the right one? How do I find the best prices? What do I need to pack and how do I organize everything once I get there? With the help of arti...
Ist Schnellladen schlecht für deinen Smartphone-Akku?
Tipps & Tricks

Is fast charging bad for your smartphone battery ?

Fast charging is a convenient and time-saving feature for smartphones. But many users wonder if this technology will damage their battery in the long run. In this post, we'll get to the bottom ...
Der ultimative Guide für Eltern: Das erste Smartphone für dein Kind

The ultimate guide for parents: The first smartphone for your child

A smartphone can be a valuable resource for children, but it also presents challenges and risks. It is important for parents to make an informed decision when it comes to their child's first sm...
Smartphone Test bis 300€: Das sind die wichtigsten Faktoren beim Handykauf

Smartphone test up to 300 €: These are the most important factors when buying cell phone

At a time when prices on the smartphone market are getting higher and higher, many of us are looking for cheaper alternatives. The phones should be powerful and reliable in order to get by well in ...
GPT-4o: OpenAIs neuestes KI-Modell revolutioniert die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine

GPT-4O: Openai's latest AI model revolutionizes the interaction between man and machine

Artificial intelligence has not only made headlines in recent years, but has also fundamentally changed the way we use technology in everyday life. OpenAI, as one of the pioneers in this field, on ...
Schütze deine Privatsphäre: Wie du dein WhatsApp Profilbild gezielt verbergen kannst
Tipps & Tricks

Protect your privacy: How to hide your WhatsApp profile picture in a targeted manner

In the world of digital communication, privacy plays a crucial role. Messaging apps like WhatsApp have become an integral part of our everyday lives, and they offer numerous options for personal cu...
Handy richtig laden: Optimiere die Akkuleistung und verlängere die Lebensdauer

Charging the cell phone correctly: optimize the battery performance and extend the service life

In our constantly connected world, smartphones play a central role in daily life. It is often overlooked how crucial the way we charge our cell phone batteries is. Properly charging a smartphone ba...
WhatsApps geheime Chat-Sperre: So kannst du sie aktivieren
Tipps & Tricks

Whatsapp's secret chat lock: How to activate them

In today's digital world, privacy and security are more important than ever. WhatsApp has now introduced a feature that allows you to hide your WhatsApp chats. Your chats can be made completely...
Matter: Wie der Verbindungsstandard dein Smart Home revolutionieren wird
Tipps & Tricks

Matter: How the connection standard will revolutionize your smart home

Be it robot vacuum cleaners that vacuum the floor, Wi-Fi sockets that regulate power consumption or light bulbs that automatically switch on the lights, a smart home should actually make everyday l...