WhatsApps geheime Chat-Sperre: So kannst du sie aktivieren

WhatsApp's secret chat lock: This is how you can activate it

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In today's digital world, privacy and security are more important than ever. WhatsApp has now introduced a feature that allows you to hide your WhatsApp chats. Your chats can be made completely invisible and you decide when they appear again. Sounds exciting, right? Then read on because we'll show you step-by-step how the chat block works.

A big step forward

Archiving chats used to be all the rage. But WhatsApp now has a function that changes everything. Users can now move their chats to a special folder secured by a code or FaceID. This means your most secret conversations remain safe in a virtual safe. The new feature allows you to hide blocked chats from your history. Even if someone is secretly reading, your secret remains safe and your privacy is protected.

Step by step instructions: How to hide your WhatsApp chats 

1. Activating the chat lock

  • On Android devices and iPhones: Go to WhatsApp settings.
  • Security options: Search for the option to enable chat lock. Here you can select specific chats that you would like to additionally secure.

2. Use authentication

  • Unlock required: To read locked chats or send messages, you must use your device's authentication feature. You can do this using a PIN, Face ID, fingerprint or a special code you have specified.

3. Management of blocked chats

  • Special folder: The blocked chats can be found in the “Blocked Chats” folder, separate from your other messages.
  • Notifications: For new messages in blocked chats, only a general notification is displayed, i.e. "WhatsApp: 1 new message", without a specific name or content of the sender.

You can now try out the chat lock yourself using the steps below. Whether for personal conversations or sensitive information - there are certainly many situations in which you want to hide your chats.

Special features of chat lock

Handling media files

  • Gallery storage: If you want to save media files from locked chats to your gallery, the chat lock must be temporarily deactivated.

Other special features and restrictions

  • Group and muted chats: These can also be blocked.
  • Calls: Calls from contacts from blocked chats are still displayed.
  • Cross-device synchronization: Chat blocking only applies to the device on which it was activated. Other linked devices, such as computers, are not affected.
  • Backup and restore: Locked chats remain locked even after restoring a backup. Authentication setup is required again for access.

The chat lock remains private

  • Discretion: The activation of the chat lock is not visible to the chat partner.
  • Secret code for additional security: With a special secret code you can completely hide your “Blocked Chats” folder. It only appears when the code is entered into the search bar.

Here you can also take a look at our step by step instructions for secretly blocking WhatsApp on TikTok!