Mac / iPad / iPhone App "Freeform" - Was kann die neue hauseigene App von Apple?

Mac / iPad / iPhone app "Freeform" - what can the new in -house app of Apple ?

Apple recently released a new app called Freeform that facilitates creative brainstorming and collaboration. The app is available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac and helps users organize and visually des...
Wohin mit alten Handys: Die 6 besten Möglichkeiten

Where to go with old cell phones: the 6 best options

Nothing lasts forever - What to do with old cell phones? Once you have your new (refurbished) smartphone in your hands, you will have to part with your old phone. But wait: don't just throw it...
25 Tipps und Tricks für Android-Smartphones

25 tips and tricks for Android smartphones

You can use your smartphone can do more than take photos, play games and of course make phone calls. With our Android Tricks you will become a professional at every Application. 1. Smartphon...
iPhone-Tricks, die jeder Apple-Nutzer kennen sollte

iPhone tricks that every Apple user should know

iPhone tricks every Apple user should know Your iPhone can probably do more than you think - especially with the help of tricks that not everyone knows about. Most owners of Apple products only us...
Batterie schonen - So lädst Du Handys richtig auf

Protect the battery - so you load cell phones properly

Save battery: Why does the capacity of your battery continue to decrease? Li-ion batteries are subject to constant wear and tear, and not just when they are being charged quickly. That's why y...
Notebook gebraucht kaufen - darauf sollten Sie achten
Tipps & Tricks

Buy a notebook used - you should pay attention to this

Buying a used notebook: What you should definitely pay attention to Buying a used notebook is a clever alternative to buying a new one. This is not surprising considering the advantages: you can f...
Smartphone gebraucht kaufen: Worauf Sie achten sollten

Buy a smartphone used: what should be paid for

You have Desire to a new smartphone, but are not quite sure whether you want a new or used device? In fact, with iPhones you can and Co. You can save a lot of money by buying a used device. You ...