iPhone 14 Pro im Jahr 2024: Immer noch ein heißer Tipp?

iPhone 14 Pro in 2024: Still a hot tip?

The dilemma of technology lovers: buy or wait? In a world where technological development advances at the speed of light, gadget enthusiasts face a constant challenge: invest in the latest technolo...
iPhone 14 vs iPhone 15: Lohnt sich das Upgrade?

iPhone 14 vs iPhone 15: Lohnt sich das Upgrade?

Du überlegst, ob du das iPhone 14 oder das iPhone 15 kaufen sollst? In diesem Kaufratgeber vergleichen wir beide Modelle und helfen dir, die beste Entscheidung zu treffen. Wir werfen einen Blick au...
Vorstellung der Apple Watch 9: Ist sie wirklich besser als ihr Vorgänger?
Apple Watch

Introducing the Apple Watch 9: Is it really better than its predecessor?

Introduction: Apple Watch 8 vs 9 On the 12th In September, Apple once again made the tech world sit up and take notice. During the legendary Apple event, not only were the new iPhones 15 presented...
iPhone 12 vs 13 – Das Duell der Preis-Leistungs-Sieger

iPhone 12 vs 13 – The duel of the price-performance winners

Introduction: iPhone 12 vs 13 The world of smartphones is fast-moving, but some questions remain constant. One of them is certainly: Which iPhone should I buy? With the release of the iPhone 15, ...
Qual der Wahl: iPhone 12 mini vs. iPhone 13 mini

Spoiled for choice: iPhone 12 mini vs. iPhone 13 mini

Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive comparison between the iPhone 12 mini and the iPhone 13 mini. You may want to upgrade to Apple's latest mini version, but you're unsure which one of the tw...
iPhone 12 und iPhone 12 Pro: Die Unterschiede

iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro: The differences

Before you choose an iPhone model, it is important that you understand the difference between iPhone 12 and 12 Pro know. You should know what you expect from your new iPhone and which features you ...