Android vs. iOS: Welches Betriebssystem passt am besten zu dir?

Android vs. iOS: Which operating system suits you best?

The operating system plays a central role in cell phones as it determines the user-friendliness, functions and security of a device. In the smartphone world there are currently two opposites: Android versus iOS. Both systems shape our digital experience and do so in different ways. 

In this article we look at the features of both operating systems and show you what differences there are. Starting from the type of system to the choice of device. We want to give you a better overview for your next cell phone purchase. If you would like to see our video on how to activate chat lock, feel free to watch it here.

Android vs. iOS: Open or closed operating system

Both operating systems differ in accessibility. Android is an open operating system. It is used by many manufacturers as a basis to individually design and adapt their interface. The open source software allows the user interface to be modified and customized. This results in a wide range of hardware and software features. 

In contrast to this is iOS, the operating system for Apple's iPhones. Unlike Android, iOS is a closed system and therefore only available for Apple devices. iOS is known for its unified user experience that remains consistent across all devices. This means you can quickly find your way around and use the iPhone easily. 

Premium or rather a large selection of cell phones?

Due to the openness of Android as an operating system, there is a wide range of Android smartphones on the market. These range from simply equipped budget phones to technologically advanced flagships. This variety allows users to find a smartphone that meets their needs and fits their budget.

Apple, on the other hand, relies on an exclusive selection. The iPhones offer consistently high quality, even if there is less variation with Apple than with Android. These devices are also often more expensive than Android. 

Security comparison: flexibility versus exclusivity

There is also a difference between Android and iOS when it comes to security. Although Android's open operating system allows for more flexibility, it makes the system more vulnerable to security risks such as malware. The challenge here lies in the variety of devices and adaptations, which make a uniform security strategy difficult.

Apple's operating system, on the other hand, stands out as a secure operating system thanks to Apple's exclusivity and strict control. This closed system offers fewer areas of attack and guarantees a high level of security through regular and long-term updates.

Update guarantee comparison: Long-term support for iPhones

Apple users typically enjoy between 5 and 7 years of update support, while Android users can expect 3 to 7 years. With Android, however, you mainly depend on the manufacturer of the cell phone. In addition, the up-to-dateness of iOS and Android smartphones plays a major role, as new devices are supported for a little longer than older smartphones.

Deep customization or rather intuitive design?

When it comes to personalizing their devices, Android and iOS cell phone users have different options. Android offers deep customization options.Users can customize the interface to their preferences with widgets, launchers and numerous settings.

iOS, on the other hand, focuses on simplicity and flawless use of the devices. The options for personalization are more limited. However, they focus on smooth functioning within Apple's standardized design. These restrictions are deliberate to ensure a consistent and intuitive user experience across all Apple devices.

Conclusion: Android or iOS – which system is right for you?

Android appeals with its adaptability and wide selection of devices. It is perfect for those who want to personalize their technology. Every user can find a smartphone that suits their needs and budget. iOS, on the other hand, impresses with a seamless, secure user experience and consistent quality. It is aimed at those who value reliability and an integrated ecosystem.


Ultimately, it's not about which system is the best, but which one suits you best. If you're someone who values ​​the ability to customize and wants to choose from a variety of devices to find exactly what suits your needs and budget, Android is the right choice for you. 

On the other hand, if you value a seamless, secure and intuitive user experience and are willing to pay a higher price for it, iOS will meet your expectations. Ultimately, the choice of operating system depends on your personal preferences and requirements.