Samsung Galaxy S20 Test - Überblick und Informationen zu den Modellvarianten

Samsung Galaxy S20 test - overview and information about the model variants

The Samsung Galaxy S20 is a popular Android smartphone. Depending on the model variant, it competes with mid-range and high-end devices. In addition to the normal Samsung Galaxy S20, the product ra...
Top 5: Die besten Tablets bis 250 Euro

Top 5: The best tablets up to 250 euros

A cheap tablet is ideal for you if... are looking for a second or third device. ...the tablet is intended for you as a "hobby device". don't attach much importance to the latest tec...
Was ist beim Kauf von gebrauchten iPads zu beachten?

What should you consider when buying used iPads?

Refurbished or used technology products are usually significantly cheaper to purchase than new goods. No matter whether smartphones, notebooks, smartwatches or tablets. However, there are a few poi...
iPhone-Tricks, die jeder Apple-Nutzer kennen sollte

iPhone tricks every Apple user should know

iPhone tricks every Apple user should know Your iPhone can probably do more than you think - especially with the help of tricks that not everyone knows. Most owners of Apple products only use the s...
Batterie schonen - So lädst Du Handys richtig auf

Protect your battery - this is how you charge your cell phone properly

Conserve your battery: Why does your battery's capacity keep decreasing? Li-ion batteries are subject to constant wear and tear, and not just during fast charging. That's why you should protect the...
Notebook gebraucht kaufen - darauf sollten Sie achten
Tipps & Tricks

Buying a used notebook - this is what you should pay attention to

Buying a used notebook: What you should definitely pay attention to Buying a used notebook is a smart alternative to buying a new one. This is not surprising given the advantages: you can find seco...