Der Samsung Galaxy Ring – eine Alternative zur Smartwatch?

The Samsung Galaxy Ring – an alternative to the smartwatch?

The Samsung Galaxy Ring marks a new era of wearables. We were able to see the ring up close at MWC 2024 in Barcelona. With its elegant design and innovative functions, it can offer an attractive alternative to conventional fitness trackers and smartwatches. But what differentiates it from the classic trackers and watches - and is it worth buying? When will it even be launched on the market and what features will the ring have? Let's take a closer look at the smart ring in general and see what The Samsung Galaxy Ring is characterized by its design and its planned functions.

Samsung Galaxy's history with fitness trackers

Samsung has established itself as a pioneer in wearables in recent years, particularly with a wide range of fitness trackers and smartwatches designed to track users' health. Through continuous innovation and investment in research and development, Samsung has made a significant impact on the wearable technology market.

As early as 2022, Samsung began developing the Galaxy Ring and secured patents and the name “Galaxy Ring” for the product. These preparations show that Samsung wants to expand its existing selection of wearables by introducing a new product range. Samsung, thanks to its experience and knowledge in the health and technology sectors, can well introduce the Galaxy Ring and offer users a new option to regular fitness trackers.

Elegant design and optimal fit

The Samsung Galaxy Ring is presented in three elegant color options: gold, ceramic black and platinum silver. This variety allows users to choose a ring that suits their individual style. In addition, nine different sizes from S to XL are available to ensure an optimal fit and comfort. It is conceivable that Samsung will offer advance delivery, similar to other rings, so that users can find the optimal size.

The design of the Galaxy Ring is deliberately kept unobtrusive in order to unobtrusively integrate the ring into everyday life. Despite its functionality, it is visually discreet and suitable for various occasions. However, the ring is slightly thicker than most traditional rings, which is due to the technology inside. However, this feature should not affect the feel and style of the ring.

Samsung Galaxy Ring Features

You can do this with the Galaxy Ring

Samsung is not yet specifying exactly what features this ring has. But one thing is certain: the Samsung Galaxy Ring will offer various functions that will make daily life easier and support the health of users. This includes fitness tracking, which allows users to track their activities and progress throughout the day. From step count to sleep monitoring, the ring provides comprehensive data for better insight into your own health.

Another feature of the Galaxy Ring will likely be integration for mobile payments. The cashless payment option allows users to make purchases conveniently and securely by holding the ring to an NFC payment terminal. This option would make the ring a versatile everyday companion.

The larger the ring, the larger the battery?

As far as technical details go, the Samsung Galaxy Ring battery varies depending on the ring size. The smallest S model has a battery with a capacity of 14.5 mAh, while the largest XL variant has a battery with a capacity of 21.5 mAh. Despite its functionality, the ring is surprisingly light, with the S model weighing only 2.3 grams and the XL model 2.9 grams. The weight of the rings is significantly less than that of well-known brands such as Oura, which weigh between 4 and 6 grams weigh. This lightweight design makes the ring an inconspicuous companion for every day. 

Health monitoring only for Samsung Galaxy smartphones?

Using the Samsung Galaxy Ring is initially only possible with Samsung Galaxy smartphones. However, it is planned that it will be possible to use it with all Android smartphones - this will probably happen in the future. The ring is paired via the Samsung Galaxy Health app, which serves as a central hub for managing and evaluating the collected health data.

Samsung is introducing a new health tracking strategy in which the Samsung Galaxy Ring will play a major role. You can view the My Health Score in the app. The My Health Score takes into account various health indicators such as sleep quality, heart rate, resting heart rate and activities. Rated on a scale of 0 to 100, it provides an overview of your current health status - which is of course only a guideline. In the future, the Health Score will also be available for Samsung Galaxy Watches, enabling seamless integration and comparability of health data.

Samsung Galaxy Ring Health Features

Expected availability and pricing

The exact details about the availability, the exact features and the price of the Samsung Galaxy Ring are currently not known. A price of around €300 for the fitness ring would be desirable and would make it attractive for many users. We were able to take a look at the ring in advance at the largest technology trade fair in Europe, the MWC in Barcelona. We eagerly await more information about this promising wearable.

Samsung Galaxy Ring - A game-changer in wearables

The Samsung Galaxy Ring marks the beginning of a new era in the world of wearables. It combines technology and style in a way that simply impresses. This accessory not only brings elegance to everyday life, but is also filled with functions that make it an indispensable companion for health-conscious people.

  • Innovation in focus: The “My Health Score” is a highlight. Together with the seamless connection to the Samsung Galaxy Health app, comprehensive health monitoring is possible.
  • User-friendliness: The intuitive operation ensures a pleasant user experience - perhaps mobile payment will also be possible in the future?
  • Discreet and comfortable: Its design offers an elegant alternative to the smartwatch. The ring scores points with its inconspicuousness, especially at night, when less distraction and comfort are required.

Samsung Galaxy Ring Design

Although details on availability and price are still pending, anticipation is growing. Our first impression at MWC Barcelona 2024? Pure enthusiasm.Samsung hasn't revealed all the functions and features yet, but the potential of the ring is obvious.

The prospect that this ring could soon enrich our everyday lives is fascinating. We look forward to the future with excitement.