iPhone 15 Release: Der ultimative Guide zu Features, Farben und Innovationen

iPhone 15 Release: The ultimate guide to features, colors and innovations

It's August and the technology world is already looking ahead to the iPhone 15 release at Apple's upcoming September event. Back in June, Apple gave the first glimpses of the new iOS 17 with many i...
iPhone auf Raten kaufen leicht gemacht: Entdecke die 0 Finanzierung bei Janado

Buying an iPhone on installments made easy: Discover 0 financing at Janado

Introduction: The freedom of buying an iPhone on installments Are you dreaming of a brand new iPhone 13 but unsure if it's in your budget? You're not alone. Every day thousands of people search onl...
Welche iPhones bekommen iOS 17?

Which iPhones get iOS 17?

In the dynamic world of Apple, September often means one thing: a new iPhone and a new iOS update. In 2023, this tradition will continue with the presentation of iOS 17 and the iPhone 15. But which...
iOS 16 für iPhone 7? Leider nein – aber diese günstigen iPhones unterstützen es

iOS 16 for iPhone 7? Unfortunately no – but these cheap iPhones support it

Introduction to iOS 16 and compatibility Apple has unveiled the latest update to its operating system, iOS 16, designed specifically for iPhones and iPads. This Apple iOS 16 update brings many new ...
Wie du die Lebensdauer deines Smartphone-Akkus effektiv verlängern kannst

How you can effectively extend the life of your smartphone battery

In this article you will learn how you can not only extend the life of your battery through proper charging, but also protect the environment at the same time. Here's the deal: our smartphone batt...
Die drei wichtigsten nachhaltigen Smartphones: Fairphone, SHIFTphone und Rephone

The three most important sustainable smartphones: Fairphone, SHIFTphone and Rephone

At a time when the environmental impact of the production and consumption of electronic devices is becoming increasingly public awareness, the topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly impor...