Professionally renewed

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Our conditions

We at Janado don’t like unpleasant surprises.

That's exactly why we have developed a transparent rating system. Each of our products is provided with a condition rating so that you know exactly what to expect before you buy.


Completely fresh and untouched - no scratches, no defects. I am simply flawless.

Our heart beats for Düsseldorf

As a Düsseldorf company, our heart beats for Fortuna. We share the passion for the club, the city and the people.

The Janado buying guide

Apple Watch Ultra 2: Jetzt kaufen oder auf die Ultra 3 warten?

Apple Watch Ultra 2 - for whom is the surcharge really worth ?

Die Apple Watch Ultra 2 bringt alles mit, was die erste Ultra auszeichnet – und legt noch eine Schippe drauf. Mit einem helleren Display, verbessertem S9-Chip und neuen Software-Features soll sie d...
Apple Watch Ultra im Check: Top Features und Schwächen im Überblick

Apple Watch Ultra - for whom is the purchase ?

Die Apple Watch Ultra ist das Top-Modell unter den Apple-Smartwatches. Robustes Design, extra lange Akkulaufzeit und Funktionen, die speziell für Outdoor-Abenteurer und Sportler entwickelt wurden –...
Apple Watch SE 2022 - Alles, was du wissen musst

Apple Watch SE 2022 - everything you need to know

Die Apple Watch SE ist die perfekte Wahl für alle, die eine smarte Uhr mit vielen Features zu einem fairen Preis suchen. Sie bietet das vertraute Apple-Design, ein großes Retina-Display und zahlrei...

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3 questions that reach us most frequently:

For us, refurbished means: technology like new, only better for you and the environment. Our devices are thoroughly tested and refurbished and are in no way inferior to new devices. Many are even unused returns or exhibition pieces - so you get technology that is as good as new at an unbeatable price. And the best thing: with refurbished, you not only save money, but also help to conserve resources. Sustainably smart!

Yes, with us you can easily pay for your device in installments - thanks to our partnership with Consors Finanz. This keeps technology affordable and flexible for you.

Yes, of course, just look at our career page There you will find all the vacancies. And if there is nothing suitable for you, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application - perhaps exciting opportunities will arise that we haven't even considered yet!